Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kids Clubs

Kids Clubs / Childcare

There are 5 Clubs for Children, they are all open every day except Mondays.

Baby Club: 6 Months - 3 Years. Opening Times were 08:30 - 12:00, 15:00 - 18:00 & 19:30 - 22:30
Snoopies: 3, 4 & 5 Year Olds. Open 08:30 - 18:30 & 19:30 - 22:30
Jokers: 6, 7 & 8 Year Olds. Open 08:30 - 18:30 & 19:30 - 22:30
Kids Club: 9, 10, 11 & 12 Year Olds. Open 08:30 - 18:30 & 19:30 - 22:30
Teen Club: Teenagers (I didn't get any info on this, sorry. My children were in the younger clubs.

Baby Kitchen, within Lykie Club House is open 24 hours. After 22:30 please contact reception.

Babysitting costs 8 Euros per hour / per child. Needs to be booked a day in advance.

My children were aged 4 and 8 at the time so Josh was in Jokers & Ella was in Snoopies, at first I was a little dubious as to how they'd be being apart from each other but they were absolutely fine & both thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so that every morning we got "Can we go to kids club today, PLEASE!!!" lol

All the kids clubs each have a timetable of activities that you can get from reception, Lykie Club House or Tourist Info centre. These time tables changes each of the weeks we were there, as we arrived on a friday we had 3 timetables whilst we were there and they all differed in activities.

There was a ratio of around 2/3 children per member of staff. What would happen was if more children arrived then within 5 mins or so, more staff would arrive which was just fantastic. The staff at kids club were absolutely fantastic, Josh & Ella certainly bonded with a couple and we had absolutely no hesitation in leaving them with our mobile number and leaving the resort to see the near town of Olu-Deniz one of the days & Fethiye Market on another. Obviously we were close by the first few days just to make sure but after that we were happy to travel further a field both in the resort & out of it whilst they were there.

An example of Snoopies timetable was as follows:

08.30 - Morning Welcome
10.00 - Chu-Chu Dance on the Village Dance Floor
10:15 - Olympic Games in Lykie Club
12:00 - Lunch in the Children's Village Lykie Restaurant
13:00 - Lykie Club Cinema
14:15 - Pool Games in Lykie Club
15:30 - Snack Time in Lykie Club
16:00 - Chu-Chu Dance on the Village Dance Floor
16:15 - Treasure Hunt in Children's Paradise
18: 00 - Dinner in Lykie Village Restaurant
18:30 - Shower Break (Children must be collected at this time)
19:30 - Evening Welcome in Lykie Club
20:00 - Artastic (3 Euros) or Pictionary
21:00 - Children's Disco on the Dance Floor
21:30 - Video in Lykie Club
22:30 - Good Night

Other activities throughout the week included Atelier, Judo, Playground, Natural Discovery, Beach Games, Salt Pastry Arts & Crafts, Clown Hunt all around Lykia World, Rehersals for the Friday Night Show, Bon-Bon Action all around Lykia World, Face Painting, Animal Bingo, Make-Up, Videos, Cinema, Musical Games, Talent Show & Awards Ceremony.

You could drop & sign in or collect & sign out your child at any point during the day which was fantastic!!

An example of Jokers timetable was as follows:
08.30 - Morning Welcome
10.00 - Chu-Chu Dance on the Village Dance Floor
10:15 - Jet Ski-ing (5 Euros) or Canoeing
12:00 - Lunch in the Children's Paradise Lykie Restaurant
13:00 - Fun in Children's Paradise Pool
14:15 - Water Basketball in Children's Paradise
15:30 - Snack Time in Lykie Club
16:00 - Chu-Chu Dance on the Village Dance Floor
16:15 - Wild West Action all around Lykia World
18: 00 - Dinner in Lykie Village Restaurant
18:30 - Shower Break (Children must be collected at this time)
19:30 - Evening Welcome in Lykie Club
20:00 - Artastic (3 Euros) or Origami
21:00 - Talent Show
21:30 - Video in Lykie Club
22:30 - Good Night

Other activities throughout the week included Judo, Ping Pong, Tennis, Archery, Football, Atellier, Nature Adventure Trip, Wall Climbing, Bastket Ball, Banana Boat Ride, Canoeing, Water Bomb Fights, Pool Games, Pirate Action, Rehearsals for the Friday Night Show, Face Painting, Make-Up, Musical Games, Awards Ceremony, Children's Disco, Videos & Cinema, family boat trip, speed boating etc.

My children obviously met up at dinner time, also for the chu-chu dance, the children's disco etc as some of these events they all did together. The younger groups though were kept out of the midday sun which was good.

This was our first night at Lykia World, Josh & Ella were reluctant to join in the Children's Disco at first (which parents can join in with too if they want to) but after the first song they were up and away frlying their arms about & following the routines that were led by the Kids Club Staff whilst they were wearing funny hats.

Drinks & Bars

Beers, House Red & White Wine, Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Fruit Juices, Water & Soda Water etc are all free during meal times when sat at a table & are done by self service using their bar pumps around the restaurants.

The only time you pay for drinks is when you go to one of the 14 bars or order something other than the above at mealtimes. You then just hand your room card to the waiter who charges it to your bill and gives you a recipt each time.

Drink prices (I accidentally took a bar menu) :whoops

Vodka - Finlandia, Absolut, Smirnoff, etc are 5,50 Euros. Etalon & Russion Standard Platinum are 6,50 Euros. Grey Goose & Absolut Level are 7,00 Euros & Belvedere Vodka is 7,50 Euros.

A glass of Coke / Diet Coke / Fanta / Sprite is 1,75 Euros and a bottle is 2,00 Euros

All prices in Lykia World (apart from the imndependant shops) are shown in Euros but your bill comes to you in Turkish Lira. Stupid if you ask me but hey!

We only took TL with us at a rate of 2.27 TL to the £1 so a large beer cost us £3.50, Malibu & Coke cost £7.20, a coke cost £1.86, Fresh orange juice £2.56, a magnum ice-cream £2.79 & a token for the game room cost £1.86 a pop!

I have everything on a spreadsheet on my laptop as I kept all our receipts and paid our room bill daily to work it all out. Your receipt shows one amount but the bill is broken down to the cost & the tax so some may find the bill hard to understand as there are so many transactions what with a tax transaction for almost every item. :que

Cocktails start from 4 Euros for a child's cocktail, then 6 - 9 Euros for alcoholic cocktails

  • 6 Euros (Caipirinha, White Russian, Black Russian, Bloody Mary)
  • 7 Euros (Good Father, Cubra Libre, Tequila Sunrise, Planeters Punch, Lykia World, Dry Martini, Tom Collins, Brandy Alexander, Daiquiri, Green Devil, Whiskey Sour, Salty Dog,)
  • 7,5 Euros (Mojoto, Pina Colada, Long Island Ice Tea)
  • 8 Euros Kir Royal, Margarita, Old Fashioned, Negroni, Cosmopolitan,)
  • 8,50 Euros B-52 & Mai-Tai)
  • 9 Euros (Americano, Sex on the Beach & Manhattan).

Bearing in mind that we are not talking large glasses here like you get in some places, these were fairly standard sized glasses, IMO.

Other drinks prices are as follows:

  • Mineral Water, Glass 0.75 Euros
  • Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Coke Zero & Diet Coke, Glass 1.75 Euros & Bottle 2.00 Euros
  • Tonic Water, bottle 2.25 Euros
  • Redbull, Can 4.75 Euros
  • Fresh Orange Juice, glass 2.75 Euros
  • Pineapple, Tomato Juices, glass 2 Euros
  • Martini 4.75 Euros
  • Campari 7.00 Euros
  • Dry Sherry 8.50 Euros
  • Standard Scotch Whiskies 6.25 Euros
  • Premium Scotch Whickies 10.00 - 19.00 Euros
  • Jim Beam 6.25 Euros
  • Jim Beam Black 8.00 Euros
  • Malt Whiskies 11.50 Euros
  • Irish Whiskey 6.25 Euros
  • Imported Vodkas 5.50 - 7.50 Euros
  • Imported Gins 5.50 - 600 Euros
  • Rums (Malibu, Bacardi, Captain Morgan Black etc) 5.75 Euros
  • Tequilas 7 Euros
  • Bitters 6.00 - 11.00 Euros
  • Imported Liquers (Archers, Blue Curacao, Tia Maria, Baileys etc) 4.75 - 7.00 Euros
  • Imported Cognac & Brandy 7.50 - 21.00 Euros
  • Local Liquers 3.75 - 4.00 Euros
  • Rakis 3.25 - 4.00 Euros
  • Local Vodka 3.00 Euros

Wines varied so much from 4.25 Euros for a glass & 9.00 Euros for a bottle of Piccolo (Sparkling Wine) to 190 Euros for a bottle of Barola D.O.C.G (Italian Red Wine) to 600 Euro's for a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne!!!

Others were Rose Wines for 18.00 Euros a bottle, American Savignon Blanc for 48 Euros, South African Chardonnay for 35 Euros, American Pinot Noir for 35.00 Euros, Shiraz & Merlot48.00 Euros.

However you could also buy a bottle of local red / white / rose wine for around 18 / 27 / 36 Euros.

We purchased one bottle of Rose whilst we were there and it tasted awful, worse than their free House White which was actually quite drinkable!!! S o we stuck with that for all other mealtimes, lol.

  • Irish Coffee, Brazillian Coffee & Mexican Coffees were all 7 Euro's
  • Nesquik 1 Euro
  • Turkish Coffee 1.50 Euros
  • Coffee 1.75 Euros
  • Expresso 2.00 Euros
  • Hot Chocolate 2.25 Euros
  • Cappuccino 2.25 Euros
  • Latte 2.75 Euros
My hot tip for drinks would be to make the most of the free wine / beer at meal times & as my favourite tipple was Malibu & Coke I bought a bottle in duty free on the way out so I put some in a water bottle and carried it with me everywhere I went so I only had to pay for the cokes!! Some of the waiters thought this was hilarious....those that knew anyway!!

Unfortunately due to not wanting to be up too late with the children we only tried 6 of the 14 bars but they were all very good and had lovely, friendly staff........some of who gave you free nibbles with your drinks which was nice.

The children had their drinks bottles that I took with us, I also took a bottle of squash with us for them to have a drink with them throughout the day rather than having to buy them drinks all the time which actually worked out very well as I didn't want them having fizzy drinks all the time so these were limited to lunch & dinner only which were free.

Lykia World - The Restaurants

The Marina Restaurant.

Each of the
3 main restaurants had pretty much the same food as each other although I would say the Residence Restaurant was the quietest and had the least option (although still plenty!!) and this was totally indoors. The village restaurant was where we ate for breakfast & most lunch times until the Marina restaurant opened the 2nd week we were there. The most choice was at the Marina restaurant for lunch & dinner and this was all outside whereas the Village restaurant had part indoors & part outdoors. You could smoke in all the outdoor areas and depending on how full the resort is depends on which restaurants are open as the 2nd weeks we were there they closed the Village one for the evenings but opened up the Marina one (which we preffered due to the choice, scenery, etc)

You could always find a table, we never had any problems there. If you can't find one you just ask a waiter and they'll find you one to sit at. We found that going at the beggining of the mealtime was better as you can get a choice of table and all the food is at it's best, freshest etc although the chefs behind the self service pods you walk around were cooking more throughout. If you go at the end of the mealtime you can also easily get a table but I found some of the more popular food was finished or wasn't quite as fresh by the time you got to eat it.............on saying that you will never go hungary at Lykia World!

The Village restuarant seemed to be open the most and I shall list the times below for the mealtimes. The funny thing was though is that it took us about an hour every morning to get us all up, showered, sun creamed up & dressed before we even left the room. So we'd wake up about 8.30am / 9.30am, we'd then walk to the village restaurant and be sat down for breakfast around 10.00am-10.30am. By the time you have got your drinks and put them on the table and walked around filling up your plate and sat down with that it would be around 11am - 11.30am before we got up to start the day!! Then before you knew it you were eating again!!! lol

Village Restaurant Opening Times

Breakfast 07:30 - 11:00
Late Breakfast 11:00 - 12:00
Lunch 12:30 - 14:00
Snack Line 14:00 - 17:30
Dinner 19:00 - 21:00
Midnight Snack 23:30 - 00:30

Breakfast they have everything from bread rolls, sliced bread, baguettes, seeded rolls, large rolls, small rolls, toast, butter, jams, sausages, poached eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, patty's, Fried eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, cold meats, cheeses, yogurt, cereals, omlettes, various savory dishes, lot's of various Tea's, Coffee, milk, fruit juices & freshly squeezed orange juice, carrot juice, apple juice or mixed all of these were at an additional charge of 2 Euros.

Lunch & Dinner they had plain salad vegetables, fruits, mixed salads, various breads.........the cheesy bread was yummy!!! They had a diet corner (which I think was good for fussy kids) plain chicken, plain rice, spaghetti, bolognaise, plain veg etc to burgers, fritters, chips, mashed potato, saute potatoes, jacket potatoes, bbq'd chicken skewers, lamb, beef, steaks, various rice's, various specialities of the day, pizza, lot's of mixed vegetables, dishes like poached egg & spinach, meatballs in sauce, plain meatballs flattened & grilled (Kids loved these as they thought they were mini burgers).

And the desserts OMG they had so many little bite sized desserts that you would put about 6+ on a plate as you just had to try them, coconut one's, chocolate, nutty, strawberry, sponge cakes, so so many desserts! Some in little glasses & some in ramakin dishes likes chocolate mouse etc, various sauces like chocolate & vanilla, an ice cream & cornet section that again, the kids looked forward to as they'd get 2 or 3 scoops a time of various flavours, lol.

They have 2 Children's Restaurants

The Children's Lykie Village Restaurant, which you can access from the main Village restaurant was open at lunch times from 12pm and again at 6pm. Our 4 year old daughter ate in here most days with the kids club and they had little child sized table & chairs / benches and lower and smaller child sized help-yourself to food area so that the children could actually access them easily. They served child friendly food here like spaghetti, rice, chips, mashed potato, burgers, chicken, bolognaise, salad, carrots, peas, baked beans etc. This restaurant was indoors whereas the other Children's Lykie Restaurant was up in Children's Paradise where my 8 year old Son who was in another kids club for his age group ate every lunch time and then they joined the younger age group for meals at dinner time in the vilage children's restaurant.

They both had plenty to eat in both the children's restaurants. The good thing with these was that they opened earlier than the main restaurants so you could get them fed & changed then take them to the kids club in the evenings for the disco, kids bingo, cinema time etc whilst you ate your meal in peace without having to rush etc which was just lush!!!

5 Speciality Restaurants

They also have 5 specialist restaurants where you pay a little extra per person, we never had to book in advance whilst we were there but I guess you might have to when they are at their busiest at height of the season. There opening hours were 19:00 - 22:00, apart from the Teppanyaki which opened at 19:30

Vino E Gusto Italian, a la carte. Closed on Mondays
Neptune Seafood, Adults only, 10 Euro per person. Closed on Monday's & Saturdays
Kampai Sushi, Adults 10 Euro. Closed on Tuesdays
Kampai Teppanyaki, Adults 35 Euro. Closed on Tuesdays
Blue Buddah Asian, Adults 7 Euro & Children 3.50 Euro. Closed on Tuesdays
Sofra Turkish, Adults 7 Euro & Children 3.50 Euro. Closed on Sundays

We tried the Neptune, Kapai Teppanyaki, Blue Buddah & Sofra restaurants.

The neptune was lovely as you were sat by the infinity type pool, all of this area is for adults only which was quite nice. It was a set menu and the service was fantastic. It got a little chilly so they bought out pashmina's for everyone which mainly the women were grateful for. The food there was lovely and the soft drinks (coke, sprite etc), Beer & House Wine were just paid for anything else like wine's, mixers, cocktails etc. You have to try the chocolate dessert! Wow........a hot sponge like dessert with hot melted chocolate inside...Mmmmmmmmm.

Blue Buddah was very nice too, we really couldn't fault any of them. They bring out one course and then another & another it's fab! We didn't stay for dessert at this one as we were so full, lol. You were given chop sticks to eat which was fun but Hubby had to ask for a knife & fork half way through, PMSL.

We ate at Sofra the Turkish Restaurant on their Turkish Themed night which was outdoors & had a live band on then a belly dancer with a long sword who then got you dancing around with her & the children got up on the dance floor with her to learn a routine which was great fun. You get small plates on your table, which are for your starters & this is all buffet style. Funny thing was we thought it was your main course so we had our plates piled high, little did we know you were suppposed to go up a 2nd time to get your large plate for the main course so we must have looked like right pigs that night! (No we didn't go back up, only for desserts lol)

The best of them all had to be Kampai in the Teppanyaki section where you sit up on stools at a table over looking the Village pool & the sun set beyond which was just stunning. You have your own Chef who cooks your meal in front of you with big whofs of flames and puts on a little show for you. He was very nice, we had a nice chatt with him and OMG the food was just out of this world, totally melt in your mouth. We had King Prawns, Special Fried Rice, Tuna Steak, Chicken, Fillet Steak and more then the yummiest dessert ever! This was truely the best meal that I have ever had, we thouroghly enjoyed the whole experience and watching our children next door on the dance floor doing the kids disco was nice to see as they couldn't see us! lol Honestly worth every penny & more!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Catagory 4 Family Room

We chose a catagory 4 Family Rooom in the Village section of Lykia World for our accomodation, initially they had put us on the 3rd floor but we asked if we could have a ground floor room and this was happily changed for us without any hesitation.

We were put in K block, which stands for Kekova. We were in the middle block of Kekova, so although it was a bit of a walk to the main village area it really wasn't at all very far, aprox 5 min walk. The furthest village rooms were the next lot of Kekova rooms, nearer the Archery or the Garden rooms which I'm certainly glad we weren't in as they were the furthest from anything except the Sofra (Turkish) Restaurant.

The main bedroom was accessed through a door from the hall way & consited of a large bedroom with a huge bed & lovely sized head board, tv, mini bar / fridge, 2 wine glasses & 2 standard glasses, massive mirror over the good sized dressing table, bedside tables, you then step down to a lounge area with a sofa & coffee table with patio doors to the terrace and 2 windows.

I had read reviews that the bed was 2 singles put together but we couldn't see or feel a seam at all. It ceratinly was the size of 2 singles and the sheet & top cover on the bed were 2 singles which was at first a little strange as we are used to a king sized duvet but it was actually quite nice not having Hubby take all the cover for a change as we each had our own! lol

The children's bedroom was accessed from the hall way and wasn't accessed through a door. It had 2 single beds in, a dressing table, coffee table and a large sliding door to the patio with another sliding netted door to enable the main door to stay open but the insects to stay out if need be.

The terraced area had a wall hanger on to dry clothes / towels, a plastic table & chairs and an outdoor light. This area was acccessed by both bedrooms and the view from the terrace and both bedrooms was amazing! Iniatially you have a lawned area with a path going through it to access the other blocks.

All the rooms seemed to have a sea view by the way the accomodation blocks were built at an angle and on the mountain so which meant although we had the S Block (Simena Rooms) in front of us, we still had a lovely sea view even on the ground floor as our block was higher up and looked right over the Simena rooms. Friends we met over there had a room in the Simena block which was located along the beach front but they were woken frequently by the sound of the waves / sea breaking on the shore.

There was also a bathroom accessed from the hall way, with a huge shower cubicle with a frosted glass panel to the main bedroom, there was a standard wall shower & an over head ceiling shower with plenty of room for our whole family to shower in at the same time.......which was often quite fun for the children!

The sink was large & mounted in a full length unit which had plenty of space for all your toiletries & more! There was a huge mirror, wall mounted hair dryer, glasses, shower cap & plenty of white hand towels & bath towels (even big enough to fit around me & I'm a size 22!) Leave them on the floor and the cleaners will change them daily otherwise hang them up to be re-used to save water.

The toilet room was situated one side of the sink area & the shower on the other. There's a fan in both the toilet room & the shower cubicle which comes on automatically when the light to those rooms are turned on.

There was plenty of storage space within each room, the walk in wardrobe (accessed from the hall way) was amazing & Hubby now has to build one of those at home!! lol It had about 20+ durable plastic hangers in there but as we bought all of our children's clothes on hangers with us we had plenty. There were 3 sections of hanging space, 3 sets of drawers, plenty of room for our 4 large suitcases & hand luggage in there too so it was all out of view whilst we were on holiday. The safe is also located in here which you need to get the key to from reception, this is free unless you lose it which is then charged at 5 Euros if lost.

There were about 5 tv channels in English, not that we watched much tv. These included BBC Prime, NBC News, BBC Worldwide News, plus a couple of foreign channels always seemed to show English / American films with forign subtitles which was handy for us! lol

The rooms were clean, modern, nicely decorated, spacious & the temperature in them was fine. Not too hot & not too cold........just right as we had never complained about that once! Nor did we ever hear the family above us which was good, only a few people shouting / singing in passing if we had the window / door open.

So I would definately recommend this type of room to a family with 2 small children. For a family with 3 small children, although the sofa in the main bedroom can be turned into another bed, I preferably would want the children in another room (wink, wink) but I wouldn't say there was enough room in the children's bedroom for another bed without losing the access from their room to the terrace area as you could easily move the sofa mattress to the floor or put up a cot in the other room for night times.

The only downside was that the light outside, which stayed on all night shone through the toilet window which then shone through the glass shower door & the frosted glass shower pane into our bedroom so we just covered the small toilet window every night with one of the towels which solved the problem.

As we had read numerous reviews beforehand, they had no tea / coffee making facility in the rooms so we took our own Mugs, Teaspoon, Coffee, Tea, Sugar & Travel Kettle as we lik our cuppa before bed & as soon as we get up. We sneakily filled a small bottle with milk the first couple of evenings & bought milk when we went into Olu Deniz for the rest of the holiday. Ideally Lykia World could do with coffee & tea making facilities in the rooms but that's only my personal preference I guess.

Booking Information

We are a family of 4, Hubby age 39, Me age 29, Son age 8 & Daughter age 4.

We booked with Tulip Holidays, had a Category 4 Ground Floor Family room in the village section of Lykia World. The package was a full board plus & included direct return flights to & from Gatwick and transfers to & from Dalaman Airport / Lykia World.

We made the booking on 17th January 2009 & paid £2811.00

Adult: £992.75
Child: £412.75

Full Board Plus included our accomodation, meals & drinks with meals (including house wine, beers & soft drinks)

Both flights were with Cyprus Turkish Airlines, the plane out had extremely limited leg room & was actually very uncomfortable although the onboard meal was very good. The return flight had a lot more leg room which was very much appreciated yet the food wasn't so good as the first meal.
Outward flight left Gatwick at 13:00 hrs (UK Time) and arrived in Dalaman at 18:45 (Turkey Time) = 3.75 hrs
Return flight left Dalaman at 09:15 (Turkey Time) and arrived in Gatwick at 11:00 (UK Time) = 3.75 hrs

Resort transfers were made using a small mini bus which was very comfortable & took about an hour after dropping off / collecting others from other hotels on the way. Lykia World is the first pick up & last drop off for any tour / transfer.